Compost Magic: Transform Potato Peels into Black Gold
Composting is a natural process that turns organic material into a nutrient-rich soil conditioner, which is incredibly beneficial for gardening and farming. It’s an excellent way to recycle kitchen scraps and yard waste, while reducing the amount of waste going to landfills.
Stay tuned, in this article we definitively answer the question, can you compost potato peels!
Not only does composting help reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with waste decomposition in landfills, but it also aids in soil health by improving its structure, moisture-holding capacity, and richness in nutrients. This makes it a fantastic and sustainable option for waste management and organic farming.
In this guide, we will specifically discuss the potential of potato skins in composting. Potatoes are a staple in many households, and peeling them often results in a considerable amount of waste. Instead of discarding these peels, we can put them to good use in our compost heap.
Let’s explore the benefits and methods of composting potato peelings, and how it contributes to a more sustainable living.
Can You Compost Potato Peels? Yes, Absolutely You Can!

The Basics of Compostable Materials
Before diving into the specifics of composting potato peels, let’s first understand the basics of what can and cannot be composted.
Composting involves the decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms, resulting in a rich, dark, crumbly substance that greatly improves soil health and fertility.
Criteria for Compostable Materials
Compostable materials are typically categorized into ‘greens’ and ‘browns’.
‘Greens’ are materials rich in nitrogen and include items like fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, fresh grass clippings, and plant cuttings. These materials provide essential proteins and amino acids needed by the microbes for growth and reproduction.
‘Browns’, on the other hand, are carbon-rich materials such as dry leaves, straw, paper, wood chips, sawdust, and newspapers (read our article on newspapers first). These materials provide energy (carbon) that microorganisms need to thrive.
A healthy compost pile should have a balance of both green and brown materials. The ideal ratio is generally 1 part ‘green’ to 2-3 parts ‘brown’ by volume.
The Balance of Green and Brown Compostables
Striking the right balance between ‘green’ and ‘brown’ materials in your compost bin is crucial. Too many ‘greens’ can result in a smelly, wet compost pile, while an excess of ‘browns’ can slow down the composting process.
Knowing this, it’s essential to add a variety of materials to your compost bin or pile to ensure it has the right nutrient balance and texture. Among these organic waste materials, kitchen scraps, particularly vegetable and fruit peels, play a vital role as ‘greens’ in the composting process.
Potato Peels and Composting
Potato scraps are a common food waste byproduct in many kitchens. Many of us peel potatoes for various dishes and often, the peels end up in the trash. However, these potato peels can be put to much better use in composting.
Are Potato Peels Compostable?
The simple answer is yes, potato peels are compostable. They fall under the ‘green’ category of compost materials, meaning they are rich in nitrogen.
Nitrogen is essential for compost because it feeds the microorganisms that break down the compost pile into nutrient-rich compost.
Moreover, potato peels decompose relatively quickly compared to other compost materials, which can help speed up the composting process. So, not only do potato peels contribute valuable nutrients to your compost, but they also help it break down more quickly.
The Nutritional Value of Potato Peels in Compost
Potato peels are rich in essential nutrients including potassium, phosphorus, and a small amount of nitrogen, all of which are beneficial for plant growth and a valuable addition to aid soil health.
Potassium, for instance, aids in plant growth and disease resistance. Phosphorus is vital for energy transfer and storage in plants, while nitrogen is a key component of amino acids, proteins, and DNA in plants.
How to Compost Potato Peels
Composting potato peels is a straightforward process, but there are a few steps you can follow to ensure the best results.
Preparing Potato Peels for Composting
Before you toss your potato peels into the compost bin, there are a few things you might want to consider. One of them is size.
Smaller pieces decompose faster, so if your peels are large, you might want to chop them up a bit before adding them to your compost pile. This isn’t strictly necessary, but it can speed up the composting process.
Another consideration is whether the potatoes were organically grown. Conventionally grown potatoes can carry pesticide residues, which you may not want in your compost.
If your store-bought potatoes aren’t organic, you might want to rinse the peels thoroughly before composting them to remove any potential pesticide residues.
Steps to Add Potato Peels into the Compost Pile
- Collect Your Potato Peels: Keep a container in your kitchen where you can collect potato peels and other compostable kitchen waste.
- Add to Your Compost Pile: Once you have a decent amount of potato peels, add them to your compost pile. Remember to maintain a good balance of ‘green’ and ‘brown’ materials in your compost pile. If you’re adding a lot of potato peels (or other green material), balance it out with some brown material like dried leaves or newspaper.
- Turn Your Compost Pile: Regularly turning your compost pile helps to aerate it, speeding up the decomposition process. Try to turn your compost pile once a week.
- Wait: Composting takes time. Depending on the size of your compost pile and the materials in it, it could take anywhere from two months to a year to fully decompose. You’ll know your compost is ready when it’s dark, crumbly, and smells like earth.
Potential Concerns with Composting Potato Peels
While composting potato peels is generally beneficial and straightforward, there are a few potential concerns that you should be aware of.
Risks of Disease and Pests
One of the main concerns with composting potato peels is the risk of fungal disease and pests. Potatoes are susceptible to a number of diseases, including potato blight, which can persist in the compost pile and potentially spread to other plants when the compost is used.
Additionally, potato peels, especially if they have any remaining potato attached, can sprout and grow into new potato plants. This might not seem like a problem, but these volunteer potatoes can become hosts for pests and diseases.
Tips to Mitigate these Risks
To mitigate these risks, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy compost pile. This includes:
- Hot Composting: Hot composting, where the hot compost piles reaches temperatures of 130-160°F (55-70°C), can kill most pathogens and weed seeds. To achieve these temperatures, your compost pile needs to be at least 3 feet tall and wide, and it needs a good balance of green and brown materials.
- Avoid Diseased Peels: If you know your potatoes were affected by disease, it’s best not to compost the peels. Dispose of these peels in the trash or burn them to prevent the disease from spreading.
- Bury the Peels: Burying the potato peels in the center of the compost pile can help reduce the risk of regrowth. It’s also preferred to not compost whole potatoes, rather cut them into small pieces before adding them to your own compost pile.
- Turn the Compost Regularly: Regular turning helps to aerate the compost pile, which speeds up the composting process and helps to kill off pathogens.
Composting Other Kitchen Scraps
While our focus has been on potato peels, it’s important to remember that a variety of kitchen scraps can be composted. Diversifying the ingredients in your composting bin ensures a well-balanced and nutrient-rich compost.
Types of Kitchen Scraps for Composting
- Fruit and Vegetable Scraps: Just like potato peels, other fruit and vegetable scraps are excellent additions to your compost pile. They add necessary nitrogen to the compost and break down relatively quickly. This includes apple cores, banana peels, skins, seeds, tops, and ends.
- Coffee Grounds and Filters: Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen and can be added directly to the compost pile. The filters are compostable too, as long as they’re made of paper.
- Eggshells: Eggshells add calcium to the compost, which is an essential nutrient for plant growth. Crush the shells before adding them to speed up decomposition.
- Tea Bags: As long as the tea bags are made of natural materials (like paper or silk), they can be composted. If you’re unsure, open the bag and compost the tea leaves directly.
- Grains: Cooked grains such as rice, pasta, bread, and cereal can be composted. However, they should be used sparingly, as they can attract pests.
Things to Avoid
While many kitchen scraps are compostable, there are certain things you should avoid adding to your compost pile:
- Meat and Dairy Products: Animal products, such as meat and dairy items, can attract pests and create unpleasant odors as they decompose in your compost pile.
- Diseased Plants: As mentioned previously, these can spread disease to your compost pile and eventually to your garden soil.
- Oils and Fats: These materials can create a greasy layer in your compost pile that inhibits aeration and slows down decomposition. These can also attract bugs and small animals.
- Processed Foods: Highly processed foods can contain preservatives and other chemicals that you don’t want in your compost or garden.
Composting potato leftovers is a great way to reduce kitchen waste and give back to your garden. With the right balance of materials, regular turning, and keeping an eye out for disease and pests, you can easily compost your potato peels — as well as other kitchen scraps — with confidence.
So don’t let those peels go to waste; give them a second life in your compost pile! And don’t forget to check out other compostable materials for a well-rounded compost. Happy composting!